May 302015
Photos: Chilecito to La Quiaca

Upon leaving Chilecito I followed ruta 40 north through more inhospitable land, passing Londres (yes London) amongst other places.  The Argentine version is somewhat smaller than the English one. One particular desolate valley showed up on my map as being part of the 2014 Dakar rally.  Thankfully I had a gorgeous tailwind so was soon across […]

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Mar 162015
Photos: San Martin de los Andes to Loncopue

Leaving San Martin de los Andes, I continued on Ruta 40 until Junin de los Andes.  Then heading directly north towards Alumine.  Following the Rio Alumine all the way up to the Lago of the same name. At the Lago I headed for Pino Hachado right by the border with Chile before descending back to the dry Pampa […]

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